VAT Landscape
We offer VAT Return Filing Services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and across UAE. Lynchpin’s VAT Return Filing specialists will assist in filing the VAT return of your organization. Filing timely VAT return in the correct manner will avoid the hefty fines imposed by Federal Tax Authority UAE.
Lynchpin can take care of all your VAT related accounting services. Compiling both input and output VAT records and generating VAT reconciliation and VAT return filing; you can outsource it all.

We Work as Team with You on Your Business Issues
We work as a team with you to understand your business problems and then provide you affordable and reliable consulting solutions.
Business Services Consulting
Our end-to-end Consulting services assist you from Accounting & Tax to Business Automation using ERP Solutions. This helps your maximize the ROI.
E-Commerce Start-up Consulting
The fasted growing business of E-commerce is better run with advise of mentor and experts. Lynchpin is here to assist you.
Financial Services Consulting
For all your Corporate Finance needs, we have dedicated unit of Finance Services which is run under the supervision of veteran bankers
MIS, Data Analytics & Dashboards
When you engage us for Accounting Services, we become your eyes on the business. All KPIs are available at a single click for you.
Industry Specific Consulting Solutions
Whether you into Logistics, Pharama, Travel, Oil & gas sector, we have industry specific experts for your Tax Consulting requirements.
Why traders choose us
Identifying your VAT return filing periods as per FTA’s requirements and guidelines.
Reviewing the Output VAT on sales and other outputs and verifying the VAT calculation transactions on the sample basis and also calculating the amounts to be presented while filing the VAT return.
Reviewing the correctness of VAT calculation on all standard rated supplies and zero-rated supplies.
Checking recording accuracy of Exempt Supplies (if any)
Checking the exclusion out of scope supplies (if any)
Reviewing the reductions in value in sales due to credit notes issued and errors that you are allowed to correct for previous Tax Periods.
Identifying the requirement of additional voluntary disclosures (as per FTA’s requirements) for any change in previously filed VAT return.
Assisting in preparation of VAT reconciliation on all Taxable supplies.
Review of the calculation of Adjustments in Output VAT for Bad Debts (if any). This needs to be separately shown in VAT return as per FTA’s requirements.
Review of supplies under reverse charge mechanism to correctly record VAT obligation in the VAT return.
Reviewing the transactions with free zones/designated zones (if any) and their correct VAT implication.
While filing the VAT Return in UAE we exclude the out of scope supplies. Review of input VAT on all expenses and their correct VAT treatment.
Special care to be taken while filing the VAT Return in UAE to include only the expense on which you can claim input VAT.
Reviewing the adjustments (if any) for previously claimed input VAT.
Calculating the correct input VAT under reverse charge mechanism that can be claimed in line with UAE VAT Law and Executive Regulations.
Calculation of net VAT payable/refund.
Initiation of VAT return forms 201/311 as applicable